Binary 2017


The Greek and Hebrew language are alpha-numeric

which mean they have numerical values for each word or phrase. 

# Value Genesis 1:1
913 Bereshith
203 bara
86 Elohim
401 et
395 hashamaim
407 v’et
296  ha aretz
2701 SUM

 The Hebrew phrase “Bereshith”בראשית  or in English “In the beginning” = 913 (numerically)

913 would be read by a computer by its binary value of  1110010001

When you flip that binary value around you get 1000100111

 – Mirrored Reflection –  1000100111   ::   1110010001 

1000100111  binary value of 551

What does binary code have to do with anything?  The first words written by Moses who led the Hebrews out of Egypt.   The Binary Numbering System was established in Egypt and all of this on this screen is being translated through binary code.

 All writing from the West of Jerusalem is written left to right   


 Jerusalem “the Center of Time”

All writing from the East of Jerusalem is written right to left 



# VALUE Binary Value ‘Mirrored ‘ Binary Value # VALUE GENESIS 1:1
551 1110010001 1000100111 913 Bereshith
211 11001011 11010011 203 bara
53 1010110 0110101 86 Elohim
275 110010001 100010011 401 et
419 110001011 110100011 395 hashamaim
467 110010111 111010011 407 v’et
 41 100101000 000101001 296  ha aretz
2017     2701 SUM














The book of Genesis has 1533 verses

1533 has 8 divisors

1, 3, 7, 21, 73, 219, 511, 1533

If you add up these divisors you get 2368.  

The sum of the 127 value combinations of Genesis 1:1

The Factorization of 1533 is 3 x 7 x 73

2701-2017 = 684 the 17th combo






2017 -1533 =484

2701 – 1533