Flood & Rev 12 Sign

 Luke 17

26 Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man: 27 People were eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

2 Peter 3: The Day of the Lord

Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice: With the Lord a day is like a 1000 years, and a 1000 years are like a day.

Genesis 7: Entering the Ark

 11 In the 600th year of Noah’s life, in the 2nd month, on the 17th day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened. 12 The rain fell upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights.

Mirror Reflections of Flood and Revelation 12 Sign

02 17 :  Date of the Great Flood  2017  Day of Atonement : Revelation 12 Sign
6th century of Noah’s life

600th year of Noah’s life

Adam was created on the 6th day

Just over 6000 years since Adam

 2nd month  2000 years (2 days) since Christ’s Birth

017  Rev 12 Sign & Return of Messiah
016  Current Year & Expected Return of Beast

0= 33  Age of Christ at Death and Resurrection

Matt 16       

  • there are some standing here which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his Kingdom

Matt 17

  • after 6 days Jesus took Peter, James, and John up into the high mount and was Transfigured

17 is mentions 16 times

 17th day of 2nd Month  17th Year of 2nd day
 17th century since  17 Prophetical Books in OT
Heavens opened

They entered into the Ark

Floated on the waters

Heavens opened

Ark of his Covenant appears (Rev 11:19)

We enter into the Marriage Supper (Rev 12)

Drink from the living waters

 Earth cleansed and made new  Our Sins our cleansed and we are made new