The dates of the 12 tribes, Joshua, and Nimrod, taken from Book of Jasher which is referenced in the bible. (could possibly be off by 1 year on a few)
BC YEAR TO FLOOD 4106 – [1] Adam BORN (“man”) 1656 4098 8 Serpent decieves Eve 2/17 1648 4036 70 Cain BORN 1586 4029 77 Abel BORN 1579 4007 99 Cain Slew Abel 1557 3996 110 9 born from line of Cain 1546 3979 127 Adam & Eve mourned 40 years 1529 3976 130 [2] Seth BORN (“appointed”) 1526
3914 192 Sign in Heavens 1464
BC YEAR TO FLOOD 3871 235 [3] Enos BORN (“mortal”) 1421 This is when men began calling on the Lord Gen 4:26 3781 325 [4] Cainan BORN (“sorrow”) 1331 3711 395 [5] Mahalaleel BORN (“God Shall”) 1261 3646 460 [6] Jared BORN (“descend”) 1196
200 Watchers descendonto Mt Hermon during “the days of Jared”
BC YEAR TO FLOOD 3484 622 [7] Enoch BORN (“teaching”) 1034 3419 687 [8] Methusaleh BORN 969 3232 874 [9] Lamech BORN (“despairing”) 782 3176 930 1 Adam Dies 726 3119 987 7 Enoch Taken by God 669 3064 1042 2 Seth Dies 614 3050 1056 [10] Noah BORN (“rest”) 600 2966 1140 3 Enos Dies 516 2871 1235 4 Cainan Dies 421 2816 1290 5 Mahalaleel Dies 366 2684 1422 6 Jared Dies 234 2570 1536 120 year Warning from God 2550 1556 [11] Japheth BORN 100 2548 1558 [12] Shem BORN 98 [13] Ham BORN “sons of God took daughters of men and bare giants” 2455 1651 9 Lamech Dies 5 2450 1656 8 Methusaleh Dies 0
2450 1656 flood : 600th year of noah 2/17 –
BC YEAR (+2)Shem from FLOOD 2448 1658 Arphaxad BORN 2 2413 1693 Salah BORN 37 2383 1723 Eber BORN 67 2344 1757 Peleg BORN “division” 101 2319 1787 Reu BORN 131 2287 1819 Serug BORN 163 2257 1849 Nahor BORN 193 2228 1878 Terah BORN 222 2198 1908 Nimrod born 252 2178 1928 Nimrod puts on garments given to Adam & Eve 272 2168 1938 Nimrod began to Reign @ 30 282 2158 1948 Abram born 292 2158 1948 Nimrod & sons of Cush war w/ Japheth & Builds Shinar 292 2148 1958 Sarai born 302 2119 1987 Nimrod builds Tower 331
God scatters languages somewhere during these 9 years
BC YEAR FROM FLOOD 2110 1996 Peleg dies 2100 2006 Noah Dies @ 950 350 2089 2017 Abram 69 361 2083 2023 Abram called out of Haran by God 367
2080 2026 Reu Dies 370 2059 2047 Covenant of Circumcision 391 ![]()
BC YEAR FROM FLOOD 2058 2048 Issac Born 392 2041 2065 Abram 117 409 2031 2075 Rebecca Born 419 2021 2085 Sarah Died at age of 127 429 2018 2088 Isaac marries Rebekah 432 1998 2108 Birth of Jacob and Esau 452 1983 2123 Abraham dies at 175 467 1983 2123 Nimrod killed by Esau 467 1958 2148 Esau marries Hittite at age of 40 492 1948 2158 Shem dies 502 1942 2164 Rachel and Leah Born 508 1935 2171 Jacob @63 fled from Esau after taking his blessing 515 1934 2172 Ishmael died @ 137 516 1921 2185 Jacob leaves Eber after 14 years @ 77 back to Is & reb 529 1920 2186 Lord appeared to Jacob @ Luz & then returned to Haran and set up shepherds well. 530 1920 2186 meets Laban & begins to work for Rachel & leah 530 1919 2187 Eber dies in 79th year of Jacob 531 1914 2192 Jacob marries Leah 536 12 Tribes Born in Padanaram 1914 2192 1 Reuben Born (Leah) 536 1913 2193 2 Simeon BORN (Leah) 537 1912 2194 3 Levi BORN (Leah) 538 1911 2195 4 Judah BORN (Leah) 539 1911 2195 5 Naphtali (Bilhah) 539 1910 2196 6 Gad (zilpah) 540 1910 2196 7 Zebulon (Leah) 540 1909 2197 8 Asher (zilpah) 541 1909 2197 9 Issacher (Leah) 541 1908 2198 10 Dan (Bilhah) 542 1907 2199 11 Joseph Born 543 1900 2206 Jacob serves laban 6 more years 560 1899 2207 Jacob meets Esau 561 1898 2208 Jacob builds altar at Bethel 562 1898 2208 Rebekah dies @133 562 1897 2209 Jacob’s name changed to “Israel” 563 1897 2209 12 Benjamin Born & Rachel Dies @ 45 563 Joseph given Birthright Promise 1891 2215 Leah dies @ 51 559 1889 2217 Joseph Sold into Slavery 561 1878 2228 Isaac Dies at age of 180 572 1876 2230 Joseph stood before pharaoh @30 574 1872 2234 Ephraim and Manassah Born 578 1868 2238 Israelites Enter Egypt 582 1851 2255 Jacob dies at age of 147 599 1836 2270 The Pharoah Died 614 1796 2309 Joseph Dies @110 653 1795 2310 Zebulon Dies @114 654 1792 2313 Simeon Dies @ 120 657 1788 2317 Reuben Dies @125 661 1787 2318 Dan dies @ 120 662 1786 2319 Issachar dies @ 122 663 1785 2320 Asher dies @123 664 1784 2321 Gad dies @ 125 665 1781 2324 Judah dies @ 129 668 1778 2327 Naphtali dies @ 132 671 1774 2331 Levi dies @ 137 677 1520 2585 Aaron Born 929 1517 2588 Moses Born 932 1480 2626 Joshua Born 970 1439 2667 1011 1438 2668 Exodus 1/15 : Covenant @ Horeb/sinai 1012
BC YEAR FROM FLOOD 1437 2669 1st Census Taken and Tabernacle Erected 1013
BC YEAR FROM FLOOD 1436 2670 Kadesh :: Spies sent to spy out land 1014 1398 2708 Covenant @ Moab / Enter Promised Land 1052 1396 2710 Joshua 84 1054 1394 2712 Joshua 86 1056 Joshua gives Caleb Hebron (ch 14) when Caleb was 85 1370 2736 Joshua Dies , 48 years after Exodus
Period of Judges during this time before david takes throne
1032 3074 David born 1418 1002 3104 David Takes Throne @30 in Hebron 1448 995 3111 David reigns in Jerusalem @ 37 1455 962 3144 Solomon Takes Throne 1488 958 3148 Solomon Begins Temple Foundation 1492 949 3155 Solomon’s Temple Completed 1499
BC YEAR FROM FLOOD 923 3183 kingdom divided 1527
JUDAH (AND BENJAMIN) ISRAEL (TEN NORTHERN TRIBES) KING REIGN PROPHETS KING REIGN PROPHETS 1. REHOBOAM 931-913 17 Shemaiah 1. JEROBOAM I 931-910 22 years Ahijah 2. ABIJAH 913-911 3 years 2. NADAB 910-909 2 years 3. ASA (G) 911-870 41 years 3. BAASHA 909-886 24 years 4. ELAH 886-885 2 years 5. ZIMRI 885 7 days 6. OMRI 885-874* 12 years Elijah
Micaiah4. JEHOSHAPHAT (G) 870-848* 25 years 7. AHAB 874-853 22 years 5. JEHORAM 848-841* 8 years 8. AHAZIAH 853-852 2 years 6. AHAZIAH 841 1 years 9. JORAM 852-841 12 years Elisha 7. ATHALIAH 841-835 6 years 10. JEHU 841-814 28 years 8. JOASH(G) 835-796 40 years Joel 11. JEHOAHAZ 814-798 17 Jonah
Hosea9. AMAZIAH(G) 796-767 29 years 12. JEHOASH 798-782 16 years 10. UZZIAH (AZARIAH)(G) 767-740* 52 years Isaiah
Micah13. JEROBOAM II 782-753* 41 years 11. JOTHAM(G) 740-732* 16 years 14. ZECHARIAH 753-752 6 mo 12. AHAZ 732-716 16 years 15. SHALLUM 752 1 mo 13. HEZEKIAH 716-687 29 years 16. MENAHEM 752-742 10 years 14. MANASSEH 687-642* 55 years Nahum
Zephaniah17. PEKAHIAH 742-740 2 years 15. AMON 642-640 2 years 18. PEKAH 740-732* 20 years 16. JOSIAH 640-608 31 years 19. HOSHEA 732-712 9 years 17. JEHOAHAZ 608 3 mo 722 BC FALL OF SAMARIA TO ASSYRIA 18. JEHOIAKIM 608-597 11 years Daniel
Jeremiah * Co-regency19. JEHOIACHIN 597 3 mos 20. ZEDEKIAH 597-586 11 years DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM, 9TH AV, 586 BC
BC YEAR FROM FLOOD 922 3184 Solomon Dies 73 years after David in Jerusalem 1528 721 3385 Northern Kingdom Assyrian Captivity 1729 605 1st exile (daniel Taken) 597 2nd Exile (Ezekiel taken) 587 3519 Siege of Jerusalem 1863 586 3520 3rd exile / Temple Destroyed 1864 539 3567 Fall of Babylon / 1st exiled return 1911 516 3590 2nd temple dedicated 1934 479 3627 Esther made queen 2174 458 3648 2nd exiled return 2020 444 3662 3rd Exiled Return / rebuilding of temple wall 2006 19 Herod begins 2nd temple expansion
AD YEAR FROM FLOOD 0 4106 Birth of Jesus 2450
Star of Bethlehem : 8/21 Venus | Jupiter Conjuction
AD YEAR FROM FLOOD 17 4124 Great Earthquake 2467 27 Herod’s temple expansion finished (46 yrs) 30 4137 Beginning of Ministry 2480 32 4139 2nd of 3rd 2482 33 4140 Death and Resurrection 2483
DEATH took place on 9/12/33 :: 3 hour Eclipse
AD YEAR FROM FLOOD 70 4176 2nd Temple Destruction 2520 96 4193 1517 Reformation 1947 6053 United Nations Form 4407 1948 6054 Israel becomes Nation 4408 1984 6090 2017 – 33 = 1984 4444 2000 6106 2001 6107 2009 6115 Northern Kingdom Curse Ends 4469 2010 6116 4470 2011 6117 4471 2012 6118 4472 2013 6119 6120 / 360 = 17 4473 2014 6120 Tribulation Started 4474
Beginning in 2014 : 4 CONSECUTIVE BLOOD MOONS fell on Feast Days, with the last one on 9/28 being a SUPER BLOOD MOON over JERUSALEMREVELATION 11 : THE TWO WITNESSES
1And there was given me a reed like to a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. 2But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given to the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot 42 months. 3And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth. 4These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
From the first blood moon that appeared on 4/15/2014 to September 23, 2017 is 42 months.
AD YEAR FROM FLOOD 2015 6121 4475 2016 6122 4476 2017 6123 SIGN IN HEAVENS 4477
Start of “the Great Tribulation“
The Final 3.5 years or 42 months ::Total ECLIPSEon 8/21/2017
God’s Story of Redemption written in the Heavens.
The only time this sign will have ever occurred and marks the beginning of the “great” tribulation.
1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of 12 stars: 2And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
3And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns on his heads. 4And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
5And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up to God, and to his throne. 6And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a 1260 days.
AD YEAR FROM FLOOD 2018 6124 4478 2019 6125 4479 2020 6126 THE END 4480
- Esther
- Ephraim