Alchemy ::: Philosopher’s Stone



It is the main branch of the Hermetic Arts was the foundation for all technological and scientific inquiry.


Hermeticism inspired many technological and scientific breakthroughs.


The Alchemical symbol of the “philosopher’s stone” was the power by which matter was transformed.  


Alchemists simulated and emulated the process of divine creation.  The process of “creating” of imitating God’s creative attribute, was called the Great Work.


In this symbolic process, a mysterious chaotic source material called materia prima, the “first matter” of the universe, was gradually guided towards a state of perfect harmony.


The ouroboros/poseidon/milky way functions as the timekeeper of the celestial clock…a literal object in the heavens.


The Philosopher’s Stone also serves as a literal object in heaven.  Mars.


The red stone is the symbol for great knowledge and the key for unlocking a new Aion, or for entering the “other dimension” at the gateway of the ouroboral duat.


Mixing the elements mercury with sulfur with fire produced the philosopher’s stone.  It produces the compound cinnabar, a red ore of mercury that found in nature.  Cinnabar is a persian word for Dragon’s blood.


The Stone was thought to signify the force behind the evolution of life and the universal “binding power” which unites minds and souls.


“The Magus” published in 1801 was a concise handbook on the occult, dealing with the magic of herbs and stones, magnetism, talismanic magic, alchemy and other means of creating the philosopher’s stone.


Mars – “the unknown which is known by all”


NASA was created in hopes of attaining the power that Mars is said to possess.  


The final acquisition of the great work before the coming of the “Golden Age” will be the comprehension of the planet Mars.  The union of man with the lost knowledge from the red planet will be the end result of the transformative Great Work of the mystery schools through the ages.


THe ultimate goal of these groups has long been the attainment of proof of the lost civilization of “the gods” on Mars.


The chemical symbol for mercury HG refers to the Greek work hydrargyrus.  water -silver


The symbol of mercury is still represented in modern culture as a caduceus or rod with snakes encircling the rod.  the Ouroboros is associated with Mercury as well.


The elixir of life and the key to immortality and health were the hoped for by-products of the practice of alchemy.  “Our gold is not base gold” which meant that the quest was for the gold of wisdom.


Hermes is recognized as the legendary founder of the art, and they are also called Hermetic Philosophers.


The evidence of a Mars-earth connection has existed in literature in one form or another for thousands of years.  Symbol and ritual, in groups and societies designed for its preservation maintained the information repetitively so that the understanding could be achieved by those initiates worthy-and persistent enough-to connect all the clues.  


Civilization was learned from those who came from Mars.  The beings build their own civilization through the solar system ,reigning on Mars and earth until the “parent planet” of the culture – Rahab – like superman’s krypton exploded.


“The alchemical and magical theories roughly amount to this:  In the course of long aeons of time, Nature has gradually evolved a complex mechanism of reaction which we call Man.  Marvellous as this organism is in many ways, yet it manifests several defects.  A stream cannot rise higher than its source.  And without entering into the complicated and at first sight rather bewildering realm of alchemical cosmological theories, it is held that Nature has fallen from a certain divine state – from grace as it were. Because of this condition of things, it is held that by herself and unassisted Nature cannot regain her former glorified condition of equilibrium.” – Israel Regardie, The Philosopher’s Stone: Spiritual Alchemy, Psychology, and Ritual Magic


“Early initiates of the Qabbalistic Mysteries believed that its principles were first taught by God to a school of His angels before the fall of man.  The angels later communicated the secrets to Adam, so that through the knowledge gained from an understanding of its principles fallen humanity might regain its lost estate.  The angel Raziel was dispatched from heaven to instruct Adam in the mysteries of the Qabalah.  Different angels were employed to initiate the succeeding patriarchs in this difficult science.” – Manly P. Hall (S.T.O.A.A.)


The Great Work is bridge the gap, or veil, that currently exists between the physical and spiritual realms.


The Emerald Tablet found in the tomb of Thoth by Alexander the Great…


The Tabernacle – God told Moses to carefully the instructions given to him because it was a copy of the Heavenly Tabernacle.  The outer gate/veil was torn when Jesus was crucified.


When Adam sinned he Hid and covered Himself…the goal is to regain what was once lost in the Garden of Eden through works.  Regeneration from the stone which fell from Heaven that lies at the heart of science and technological progress…in the pursuit of Human Immortality, instead of grace through faith.


“As smart as we are in the modern world, we apparently can never pass behind the veil which divides the seen from the unseen except by engaging ourselves in the way appointed by the ancients – The Mysteries – Physicist wolfgang Pauli once put it that scientists went too far in the 17thh century when they attempted to make everything understandable strictly as objective science.  We believe in our heart of hearts, as did the alchemists that came before us, that something far richer than materialism is responsible for the universe”

– Dr Fred Alan Wolf, Mind into Matter: A New Alchemy of Science and Spirit”


The outcome of the “secret destiny” is a world order ruled by a king with supernatural powers.  This king was descended of a divine race; this is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes- perfected human beings. – Manly P Hall


half -man half-god human beings.