
  • 37 appears in 2 Hexagon/Star pairs
    • Star in the 73/37 pair
    • Hexagon in the 37/37 pair
  • Only 12 numbers less than 7 thousand trillion that can be represented both as a Hexagon and a Star
    • 37 is the only such number less than a thousand
  • 37 mentioned 37 times in Bible
  • 37 years from Jesus’s Death and Resurrection in 33 AD and the Destroying of the Temple in 70 AD
  • Ephraim mentioned 37 times in Hosea
  • Joshua conquered 37 cities
    • “city” occurs 868 times in 777 ( 3 7’s)
  • 37 Chapter 7’s in Bible
  • Abraham lived 37 Years after death of Sarah
  • 37 Verses a word is Mentioned
    • Bands (OT)
    • Beaten
    • Beast (NT)
    • Blow
    • Bosom
    • Boards
    • Bondage
    • Book (NT)
    • Brook
    • Caught
    • Corners
    • Crucified
    • Despise
    • Deligently
    • Fall (NT)
    • Gideon
    • Grace (OT)
    • Heshbon (“stronghold”/Capital City of Sihon)
    • Hearing
    • Innocent
    • Jehoikam
    • Kindness (OT)
    • Latter (OT)
    • Least
    • Low (OT)
    • Manifest
    • Mighty (NT)
    • Ministered
    • Needy
    • Office (OT)
    • OH
    • Ought
    • Paths (OT)
    • Pursued
    • Restore
    • Righteous (NT)
    • Round
    • Saviour
    • Suffered (NT)
    • Supplication
    • Turned (NT)
    • Valour
    • Vineyard (OT)
    • Wilt (NT) (171 OT)
    • Whence (OT)
    • Wherein (NT) (126 OT)
  • “Bridegroom” (20) + (“Bride” (14) + “Bridechamber” (3))  = 20 + 17  = 37
  • 37 miracles in the Bible
  • 37th Chapter of Exodus : The Ark of the Covenant was built
  • 26 x 37 = 2368  ( Greek Numeric value for “Jesus Christ” )
  • 37th Greek word in Strong’s dictionary is “hagiazo” meaning “hallow“, “be holy” or “sanctify
  • 37th week of the year falls on the same month Christ was born which in 2017 will be 9/11 – 9/17
  • 37 minutes : the time it took radio signals from the Galileo spacecraft confirming the launch of a Jupiter atmospheric probe to reach Earth
  • Every positive integer is the sum of at most 37 5th powers and Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun.
  • The average adult human body has around 37.2 trillion cells – the building blocks of life that store the DNA
  • Average body temperature : 37 degrees celsius
  • The 3700th verse of the Bible finds the Lord selecting the Levites to be the tribe of Priests who are to be holy and set apart for serving God – not coincidentally, this is also the 3rd chapter and 7th verse (37) of the book of Numbers.
  • 037, 142857 and 012345679 are Circular Numbers
    • that is to say of the dividers of 10En-1 = 9…9, with “n” number 9, the numbers being completed of zeroes on the right to have “n” numbers.
    • Thus for the number 37 we have: 037 = 10E3-1/27 = 999/27.
    • An easy and interesting property to show of these numbers is their circular permutations are divisible by themselves.
    • Thus, 370 and 703 are divisible by 037.
  • The 4 Gospels use on the whole 37 different numbers, which are numbers
    • 1 – 12,
    • 14,
    • 15,
    • 18,
    • 25,
    • 30,
    • 38,
    • 40,
    • 46,
    • 50,
    • 60,
    • 72,
    • 77,
    • 80,
    • 84,
    • 99,
    • 100,
    • 153,
    • 200,
    • 300,
    • 500,
    • 2000,
    • 4000,
    • 5000,
    • 10000 and
    • 20000.
  • The book of Exodus of the OT uses also on the whole 37 different numbers, of which the higher is 603550 (Ex 38,26).
  • In the New Testament four chapters have a total of 37 verses:
    • Mark  7 and 13
    • Luke  17 
    • Acts  4
  • 37 – Numerical value of the name of Abel, heart, and fish in Hebrew.
    • Cain is mentioned 17 times
  • In the “Word of God”, in Greek, the word “Word” is written rhma, numbering 37 by using the gematria in “n”: 17+7+12+1=37.
  • The Number 37 is the only number less that 1261 that is both a Centered Hexagonal and a Star Number.

Interesting mathematics properties of 37:

111 1+1+1=3 3 x 37
222 2+2+2=6 6 x 37
333 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 9 x 37
444 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 12 x 37
555 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 15 x 37
666 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 18 x 37
777 7 + 7 + 7 = 21 21 x 37
888 8 + 8 + 8 = 24 24 x 37
999 9 + 9 + 9 = 27 27 x 37
  • 37.8″
    • Height of the shafts in Solomon’s Temple
    • Length and height of the Ark of the Covenant
    • Width of covering boards in the Moses Tabernacle
    • Height of Table in Tabernacle that had the dishes, spoons, and bowls (Wedding Supper)
      • with 12 loaves arranged in 2 rows
  • 3 7’s  or 777
  • 3×7×37 = 777
  • 20175777 Jewish Calendar