United Nations Building
- Financed by John D Rockefeller and built in 1945
- Owned by the Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Publishing) located at 666 United Nations Plaza

Emergency Council Room Mural: Phoenix rising from the ashes

Meditation Room: 33 feet long and 18 feet wide (6 + 6 + 6) and has a 6.5 ton stone/the cube/saturn that is extremely magnetic in the room that sits on a concrete block that taps into the earth’s hyper dimensional energies and produces a state of altered consciousness.
Denver Airport
Asteroid Bennu passed through our orbit in April 2015.
It is thought to contain materials present when the solar system was first formed and it just so happened to be discovered on 9/11/99.
Bennu is the Egyptian version of the Phoenix Bird…The Rising Phoenix.
It represents the soul of Ra and the manifestation of Osiris.
The Bennu Asteroid was found by the OSIRIS-REX Mission.
The BenBen stone is the sacred stone in the temple of Ra where the Bennu Bird lives and is the capstone of the Egyptian pyramid.

LA RESURREZIONE sculpted by Pericle Fazzini – located in the mouth of the above serpent The Official Vatican spin on this horrifyingly evil appearing sculpture, supposedly in the words of Fazzini, who is no longer among the living to confirm it, is that “Christ rises from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy.”

Basilisk 1. Classical Mythology. a creature, variously described as a SERPENT,LIZARD, OR DRAGON, said to kill by its breath or look.

Ziggurat at the top
Georgia Guidestones
Bohemian Grove
Hoover Dam
- Babylon
- Vesica Pisces