17- occult


which according to MIT is the “Least Random Number”  

All in the universe is governed by the number 17

 the metals for example have 17 ‘Power’,  the form of anything in the world is 17


~Abu Musa Jabir Ibn Hayyan


Quote from Abu Musa Jabir Ibn Hayyan also known as Geber  (a prominent Alchemist and Scientist).  


He is sometimes referred to as the father of early chemistry.


Jabir’s alchemical investigations were theoretically grounded in an elaborate numerology related to Pythagorean and Neoplatonic systems. The nature and properties of elements was defined through numeric values assigned the Arabic consonants present in their name, ultimately culminating in the number 17.

US TITLE17 : COPYRIGHT LAW  :: copyright protection vests immediately and automatically upon the  creation of “original works of authorship” that are “fixed in any tangible medium of expression.  The Alchemist’s Goal is to  “imitate” God’s creative attribute, which was called “the Great Work”. That is why Everything now is Artificial.

THE ANCIENT DRUID ORDER claim that Toland held a gathering of Druids from all over Britain and Ireland in a London tavern, the Appletree, in 1717

FREE- MASONS :: the first Grand Lodge, the Grand Lodge of London and Westminster was founded in  1717, when 4 existing London Lodges met for a joint dinner.  

PLUTARCH (from Wikipedia)

He lived most of his life at Chaeronea, and was initiated into the mysteries of the Greek god Apollo.


For many years Plutarch served as one of the two priests at the temple of Apollo at Delphi, the site of the famous Delphic Oracle, twenty miles from his home. By his writings and lectures Plutarch became a celebrity in the Roman Empire, yet he continued to reside where he was born, and actively participated in local affairs, even serving as mayor. At his country estate, guests from allover the empire congregated for serious conversation, presided over by Plutarch in his marble chair. Many of these dialogues were recorded and published, and the 78 essays and other works which have survived are now known collectively as the MORALIA


MORALIA (by Plutarch)

The Egyptians have a legend that the end of Osiris’ (Apollo) lifecame on the 17th of a month, on which day it is quite evident to the eye that the period of the full moon is over.  


Now, because of this, the PYTHAGOREANS

call this day “THE BARRIER,”



For the number17, coming in between the square16 and the oblong rectangle18, which, as it happens, are the only plane figures that have their perimeters equal their areas, bars them off from each other and disjoins them, and breaks up the epogdoon by its division into unequal intervals


 The U.S. ended the  Apollo Moon program after Apollo 17


  • The original entrance to the Great Pyramid is on the north on the 17th course level,
    • 17 metres (56 ft) vertically above ground level
    • 7.29 metres (23.9 ft) east of the centre line of the pyramid. 
  • The “Queen’s Chamber”[1] is exactly halfway between the north and south faces of the pyramid and measures
    • 5.75 metres (18.9 ft) north to south,
    • 5.23 metres (17.2 ft) east to west,
  • The “King’s Chamber”[1] 
    • is 20 Egyptian Royal cubits or 10.47 metres (34.4 ft) from east to west 
    • 10 cubits or 5.234 metres (17.17 ft) north to south.
  • King Tut was wrapped in 17 sheets
  • Akenaten ruled 17 years
  • There are 153 steps in the grand gallery of and 153 feet long with is 46 meters



  • 17 Organizations and specialized agencies
  • 17Interlinked Goals to Transform World
  • There are 17 “Megadiverse” Nations


# of elementary particles

 in the

 Standard Model of Physics



The LHCis a 17Mile long ring

ofsuper conducting electromagnetic magnets,powered by

4Particle Accelerators

Image result for cern


In 1942, the United States federal government chose Oak Ridge, Tennessee as a site for developing materials for the Manhattan Project.  The project location was established within a 17mile-long (27 km) valley. This feature was linear and partitioned by several ridges, providing natural protection against the spread of disasters at the 4 major industrial plants—so they wouldn’t blow up “like firecrackers on a string.”[13]

Oak Ridge’s nicknames include the Atomic City,[6] the Secret City,[7]the Ridge,and the City Behind the Fence.



In Homer’s ODYSSEY, Odysseus floated on raft 17 days to Phaeacia(Phoenicia) after leaving Calypso.  

The raft took 4 days to make.



On 9/11 there were : 

  • 17minutes in between the 2 planes hitting each tower.  (8:46 – 9:03)
  • 17 minuteslater @ 9:37 the Pentagon was struck
  • 51 minutes later @ 10:28 the North Tower Fell

    17  +  17 + 17  =  51

    North Tower Height :417 meters 

    17,400 occupants were in the towers at the time of the attacks.  

  • Paul laffoly the twin twoer architect was obsessed with 17 and wanted to put 17 passage ways between each tower in case there was a fire.
  • On Sept. 17, 2002, after 9/11 attacks, President Bush  took the podium in Nashville to speak before a group of schoolchildren, parents and teachers.  “There’s an old saying in Tennessee,” he began.  A series of awkward pauses followed. “I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says,  ‘Fool me once, shame on … shame on you. Fool me… Point is, we can’t get fooled again!'” 









  The Pyramid contains

13 rows of Stones + 4 Sides = 17


Entrance to the White House :: 17th street


  US CAPITAL :  4 Floors  289 Ft.  

289 = 172


17 feathers on each side


“The Greek Parthenon” 

It is 17 pillars long on each side


  • There are 17 Monarchs buried at WestMinister Abbey.
  • 17 royal weddings at westminister abbey
  • One 1955 MKUltra document gives an indication of the size and range of the effort; this document refers to the study of an 17 mind-altering substances described as follows:[32]


 Googles Logo4Colors

4 GNetwork


D Wave Quantum Computer

D4thLetter Q17thLetter

A quantum computer maintains a sequence of qubits.  A single qubit can represent a one, a zero, or any quantum superposition of those two qubit states;   a pair of qubits can be in any quantum superposition of 4 states


In May 2017, IBM announced[95] that it has successfully built and tested its most powerful universal quantum computing processors. The first is a 16 qubit processor that will allow for more complex experimentation than the previously available 5 qubit processor. The second is an IBM’s first prototype commercial processor with 17 qubits and leverages significant materials, device, and architecture improvements to make it the most powerful quantum processor created to date by IBM.


In July 2017, A group of U.S. researchers announced a quantum simulator with 51 qubits. The announcement was made by Mikhail Lukin of Harvard University at the International Conference on Quantum Technologies in Moscow.[96] A quantum simulator differs from a computer. Lukin’s simulator was designed to solve one equation. Solving a different equation would require building a new system. A computer can solve many different equations.

51 = 17 x 3


Q – 17thLetter

is the name of the person that build’s all of James Bond’s Gadgets. He is the head of Q Branch (or later Q Division), the fictional research and development division of the British Secret Service.



A modern high gain UHF Yagi television antenna. has 17 directors, and 4 reflectors shaped as a corner reflector.


The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a 4-engine heavy bomber


Boeing B-17E. (U.S. Air Force photo)


17 in Movies

  • Ace Ventura: finkel misses 26 yard field goal to lose super bowl 17 and blames Dan marino
  • Austin powers: at blackjack table no2 hits on 17 saying he likes to live dangerously…gets a 4
  • The Game Plan:: Danville backup q.b #17 for Boston rebels…King man comes back in on last drive with 65 yds to go and gets knocked out at 17 yard line with 4 secs left
  • Enemy of the state:  gets off on the 17th floor
  • John Q: 4th gospel, 17th letter
  • Wall Street : blue star closed at 17
    • Sold anacot steel for 71.50
  • Halloween
    • 4: body count 17
    •  2018: body count 17
    •  h20:  John her son…I have given you 17 years, right next to Christian bookstore.  Micha l Myers died 20 years ago…she was 17 when Michael came after her
  • Jimmy kümmel in Brooklyn…174 over Door on the set in background
  • infinity war:  Open gate 17a…Open the 17shield in wakanda
  • Jack Ryan : 12 doctors went missing in Aleppo 17 weeks ago, 4 of them are Americans, including Daniel ladler
  • Winter soldier: the package she hands cap America is #17
  • Creed: his fight for the championship was his 17th fight, Leo another fighter at Apollo’s gym wanted rocky to train him who was 17-0
  • Wedding Crashers : 17 weddings 
  • Accountant : moved 34 times in 17 years
  • The office:
    • 17 years stairpocolypse: 
    • Jim proposed to Pam when they met at gas station on exit 17
  • Oceans 11: 17.34 million…interest owed by dan ocean to Terry Benedict 
  • oceans 12: 17 address
  • Casino royal : 17.4 chance of winning in: 
  • King pen: 17 years
  • The intern: what’s the square root of 17…289
  • White men can’t jump:  foods that start with Q…$400 daily double, what was the forbidden fruit. Quince
  • Dodgeball:  Troop 417…after match they show bingo board showing numbers up to 68 (4x17)P, the player in video wore 17
  • Suicide squad…joker was cell 17
  • Ant man- 34c can’t go to buyers with half a breakthrough…shrinking lamb…results negative
  • Bourne Ultimatum: 1571 address where Bourne meets Landy…Reverse 17(51) (17×3) or 4 17s
  • Planes trains…they check in motel for 17 dollars and watch after they went in between 2 18 wheelers and their car.burned
  • Jessica jones…17 years apart from mom
  • La la land:  Another day of sun…we were 17
  • Revenge of the fallen: 
    • I just finished your book and there’s only one problem. Einstein’s wrong. Energy does equal mass times the velocity of light squared in this dimension, but what about the other 17? We haven’t even talked about the other 17. Clear example. Break down the elemental components of Energon, assume a constant decay rate and extrapolate for each of the… Fourteen galactic convergences it took the Sentinel Prime expedition to receive an… Echo on its signal, you wind up with a formula for inter-dimensional energy increase that mass and light alone can’t possibly explain.
    • I have only known u for 17 hours
    • The tomb of the Primes. Yo! Yo! The Matrix. No. No. Thousands of years, turned to dust. This isn’t how it’s supposed to end. Hear that? US Air Force! C-17 s!
    • C17 Optimus prime was dead 
    • They were at Petra in Jordan…to find the energy to revive optimus
  • Punisher : 17 funerals Russo has been to 


  • Dandelion
  • Denver founded 11/17/1858
    • 153 sq miles
    • 17.4% population increase since 2010
    • 19th most populous
    • 17th street financial district
    • Home to many mining and energy companies
  • Battle for Atlantis b-ball- dan announcer
    • Dan Patrick commercial horse 71
  • 17 days boys soccer team rescue
  • 17 duck boat Missouri capsize
  • Uss cole attack on 10/12/2000 killed 17 sailors
  • Lucifer’s twitter handle 17
  • Kardashian made 17 million off wedding
  • David Blaine held breath for 17 minutes
  • 17 northern California wildfires in 2017
  • 17 black judges sworn in Texas Harris county 
  • Indonesia tsunami boy band 17, 4 members missing
Safeway bill 153
Katie’s skis 153
17 4 times when we switched to silver cards